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Assphalt Acres Red Jewel
a.k.a "Jewel"
Click HERE for Full Pedigree

33" Dark Red Jennet
DOB 7/12/2019
MDR #50033
Microchip ID#on file

Sire: CbarChass Ruffy Jr, 32 1/2" Red     

Grand Sire:  Sunset Acres Radio Flyer, 32 7/8" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  The Elms Fifty's Flair, 32 3/4" Dark Red

Dam:   Assphalt Acres Miss B Haven, 32 ½" Red 
      Grand Sire:  Short ASSets Fireplug, 32 ½" Dark Red
      Grand Dam:  Hill's Haven Molly, 33 1/4" Red

A Bit About Jewel!

We are very happy to announce that Jewel is one of the last jennets that we will be adding to our herd... at least for the next few years... lol! 

Jewel is a perfect mix, for what my mom and I were both wanting, in obtaining our dream jennet. Much of our herd is on the smaller side, which we love, but I was wanting to add some height to our lines. Jewel is a 33", very large boned jennet. Her size is fantastic performance. The other wish that we had was a red... but my mom specifically wanted a dark red. She truly is the perfect recipe of the two. However, her personality is a huge cherry on top! This girl has definitely become a buddy of mine.

When we found out that our friends, Herb and Bonnie, were retiring from breeding... I had to get in touch with them. Honestly, I did not talk to them with the intentions of getting a donkey. Well... after a 2 hour phone call, I could not resist the opportunity that Herb presented to me. I was offered Assphalt Acres Red Jewel and her aunt, CbarChass Always Dreaming Red... who are two very stunning, very dark red jennets. Thank you, Herb and Bonnie, for trusting me with your girls. We'll miss having you as part of the donkey community but we'll forever be donkey family.

Once we brought the two girls home, I quickly exposed them to Cotton Top. Always Dreaming Red did not take but I swore that Jewel did. Well... guess who I just recently caught flirting with Cotton Top through a fence? Oh well! In March, we will put her back in with Cotton Top, for a 2026 Spring foal.

Jewel's pedigree is very extensive with well-known names... including her father CbarChass Ruffy Jr, Short ASSets Fireplug, Circle C Black Russian, MGF Fiftyfire 519, My World Cheyenne, 758's, Rearview's, S.S. Red Lightning, My World Buster, LN, and more.

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